J. M. Myre
Exploring Means to Enhance the Efficiency of GPU Bitmap Index Query Processing
Increasing the Efficiency of GPU Bitmap Index Query Processing
Parallel acceleration of CPU and GPU range queries over large data sets
GPU acceleration of range queries over large data sets
Monitoring atmospheric, soil, and dissolved CO2 using a low-cost, arduino monitoring platform (CO2-LAMP): Theory, fabrication, and operation
Using TNT-NN to unlock the fast full spatial inversion of large magnetic microscopy data sets
Economic Considerations for Integrating Massively Parallel Heterogeneous Devices into the Cloud
Smartphones as Alternative Cloud Computing Engines: Benefits and Trade-offs
TNT: A solver for large dense least-squares problems that takes conjugate gradient from bad in theory, to good in practice
TNT-NN: A fast active set method for solving large non-negative least squares problems
Steady state, erosional continuity, and the topography of landscapes developed in layered rocks
Thermal damping and retardation in karst conduits
Performance analysis of single-phase, multiphase, and multicomponent lattice-Boltzmann fluid flow simulations on GPU clusters
Accelerating lattice-Boltzmann fluid flow simulations using graphics processors